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Lawlessness at its height! Bike borne miscreants again snatches ₹3 lakh at Tarapur

In-charge of Tarapur Police Outpost suspended

Jan. 19: Incidents of chain, money & mobile snatching has become a regular affair in Silchar. Within a fortnight, this is the 3rd incident where following the same modus operandi bike borne miscreants have looted innocent people in broad daylight. It seems that the miscreants have no fear of getting caught. Lawlessness has become the order of the day. Meanwhile, two consecutive events of money snatching at Tarapur proved to be too costly for the police in-charge of Tarapur Town Outpost. On Monday evening, Jadav Chandra Deka, in-charge of Tarapur Outpost was suspended from service due to his failure in checking the incidents of money snatching.


On Monday afternoon, a 80-year-old retired engineer of railways department went to the Tarapur Branch of United Bank of India (UBI) and withdrew Rs.3 lakh. Coming out of the bank, the victim, identified as Projesh Chandra Ghosh took an auto-rickshaw for his home. The moment he got down from the auto near his home adjacent to Tarapur Railway gate, two bike borne miscreants came near him and before he could understand anything, the pillion rider snatched away the bag containing Rs.3 lakh from the hands of Projesh Chandra Ghosh.

Though he was not prepared for this, yet instantly he also tried his level best not to leave the bag and gave a good fight. In the attempt to save the bag, the speeding motorbike dragged him on the ground. Ultimately, he lost his grip and the miscreants were successful in snatching away the bag containing the money. This time too, the miscreants were on a pulsar motorcycle.

Later on, while narrating his ordeal, octogenarian Projesh Chandra Ghosh said that he was doing construction work at his home for which he required the money. He said, “This is perhaps the greatest shock of my life at this age. Silchar has really become a heaven for such anti-social elements. There is no fear of law. Miscreants are looting the inhabitants in broad day light. Where is our police forces? Where are our public representatives? What is the district administration doing? We are left at the mercy of the miscreants. I received grave injury while attempting to save the bag containing the money. But those fellows dragged me on the road.”

Meanwhile, Silchar MP Dr. Rajdeep Roy who is presently in Delhi called the Superintendent of Police, Cachar and instructed him to take immediate appropriate measures so that the miscreants could be nabbed as early as possible. Expressing solidarity, Dr. Roy said that he is keeping a strict vigil on the action of the police and has already alerted the police machinery to nab the culprits.

Post-lockdown, such incidents of money, mobile and chain snatching have increased in all the three districts of Barak Valley. Local residents expressed deep anguish over such repeated incidents of robbery in Silchar. They demanded that strict vigil should be done by the police so that such anti-social elements could be nabbed at the earliest. “How do the miscreants know who is withdrawing money from the bank? This is definitely a mysterious issue. There is every possibility of some insider leaking such vital information to the miscreants,” remarked a retired school teacher. Another businessman of Central Road said, “Silchar is now a heaven for anti-socials. What is the law enforcing authorities doing? Is the police department meant only to guard the political leaders, while leaving the common man at the mercy of such miscreants?”

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