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Dist administration express anguish as people continue to dump garbage in drains

Social media users reacts both for & against the appeal

Feb.13: Silchar Municipality is carrying on excavation & clearance work of drains inside New Market area and also from Dewanji Bazar in Ward No. 23. It is in this connection that the District Administration Cachar taking to its social media page stated, “Despite repeated requests, people are not sorting out the garbage and dumping garbage as a whole into the drains, which is blocking the greater drains of Silchar leading to urban flooding and overall unclean environment. The Silchar Municipal Board (SMB) is working hard to keep the drains clean. We need public support from each one to monitor their own actions and not throw garbage inside the drain, but rather hand it over to the garbage collectors who are sorting it out for recycling, reusing and reducing waste.”


However, responding to this appeal of District Administration Cachar, social media users aired their views both for and against it. One such social media user Sanjeev wrote, “Just cover the drains. Expecting support from public while the SMB stays totally idle doesn’t seem to be a way to eradicate the garbage issues. Silchar doesn’t have public garbage cans installed near the road. Every day we are made bound to litter just be blamed later. To not to litter means either carry a trash can hung on our neck, or stop using commodities that leave residues behind. The authorities need to sit and re-evaluate their stake about this massive garbage problem of this town.”

Dr Subhadra Goala responded to this appeal and wrote, “I would like request to take serious action on such people, so that it can be example for others. As a citizen, our responsibility is not just to keep our home clean but our city too.” Another user Navneet Singh wrote, “We appreciate the steps being taken by administration to keep the city clean and healthy but some improvements are needed on urgent basis. Even though Municipality is doing excellent job in collecting all the garbage daily, but the people who collect garbage from door to door on payment basis come for duty, may be once or twice a week. Please look towards it.”

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