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Assam Govt orders to form constituency, village & ward level Quarantine Management Committees

May 16: In pursuance of the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for return of residents of Assam from other parts of India by trains, issued vide Health & Family Welfare Department vide communication on 14 May, 2020, Assam government notified that the following committees are be formed by the respective district administration:

A. Constituency Wise Quarantine Management Committee will be notified by each Deputy Commissioner with following members:

  1. Local MLA: Chairperson
  2. To be decided by Minister in charge of Co-Chairperson district: Co-Chairperson
  3. Circle Officers of the Constituency: Member
  4. BDOs of the Constituency: Member
  5. A Circle Officer / BDO of the Member-Secretary Constituency nominated by DC: Member-Secretary
  6. CDPOs: Member
  7. O/Cs of Police Stations in the Members Constituency: Members
  8. SDM & HO of health institutions within Member the Constituency: Member
  9. Deputy Superintendent of CHCs/ PHCs Member within the Constituency: Member

In case, a constituency is co-terminus with a civil sub-divisions, then the SDO (c) will be Member-Secretary. The indicative Terms of Reference of the Committee are as follows:

  • Preparation of institutional quarantine centres in the constituency area which may be spread in various blocks/ villages
  • Management of food supplies (as per notified Government norms), hygiene, security, medical arrangements etc. in facility quarantine.

B. Village Level Home Quarantine Management Committee in rural areas will be notified by the concerned Block Development Officer, with following members:

  1. Gaon Panchayat President: Chairperson
  2. Ward Member: Member
  3. Concerned ASHA/ MPW/ ANM: Member
  4. Concerned Anganwadi Worker: Member
  5. Two leading citizens of the village nominated by Minister in charge of district: Member
  6. Gaonburah: Member-Secretary

The indicative Terms of Reference of the Committee are as follows:

  • Deciding in case of each person recommended for Home Quarantine whether the person will be quarantined in his/ her residence or the local community centre, keeping in mind that in case the person stays at his residence, the same will become a containment zone for all residents of that house.
  • Providing food supplies, hygiene, security, medical arrangements etc. in home / community centre where the quarantined person is residing.
  • Food items (as per notified Government norms) for the quarantine period will be provided by district administration/ BDOs directly to the quarantine families or through the committee.

C. Ward Level Home Quarantine Management Committee in urban areas will be notified by the concerned Deputy Commissioner with following members:

  1. Circle Officer/ Asstt. Commissioner: Chairperson
  2. Officer In Charge of Local Police Station: Member
  3. Ward Member/ Councillor: Member-Secretary
  4. Concerned ASHA/ MPW/ ANM: Member
  5. Two leading citizens of the ward nominated by Minister in charge of district: Member
  6. Concerned Lot Mandal: Member

The indicative Terms of Reference of the Committee are as follows: 

  • Deciding in case of each person recommended for Home Quarantine whether the person will be quarantined in his/ her residence or the local community centre, keeping in mind that in case the person stays at his residence, the same will become a containment zone for all residents of that house.
  • Providing food supplies, hygiene, security, medical arrangements etc. in home / community centre where the quarantined person is residing.
  • Food items (as per notified Government norms) for the quarantine period will be provided by district administration/ Circle Officer/ Asstt. Commissioner directly to the quarantine families or through the committee.

The order issued by Samir K Sinha, Principal Secretary to Govt of Assam, Health & Family Welfare Department  on 15 May, 2020, further stated that this will come into effect with immediate effect.

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