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Wise old who dreams new, writes Dr. Sabyasachi Roy

//Dr. Sabyasachi Roy//

প্রাজ্ঞ প্রবীণ, স্বপ্ন নবীন– Wise old who dreams new. That has been the tagline of the hoardings of INC spread over across the Guwahati City before 2016 Assembly Election, promoting Tarun Gogoi as the Chief Minister of Assam for the consecutive fourth tenure. Although he cannot make it through that time, but his efforts based on his dreams, his political acumen, his resilient but bold persona has, by then, already made him a dear one in the hearts of people of Assam across the political lines.

I first met him in 2001, in an election rally at Karimganj town. At that time, I was involved with a media house. After that rally in the Public Higher Secondary School playground, when he was getting down from the dais to move towards the chopper, I stopped him asking “how many seats do you expect to win out of 15 in Barak Valley?” Without any hesitation boldly he answered “at least 11”. At that Assembly election INC has been successful in winning 5 seats in Barak Valley. Afterward two other MLAs have joined the party, one more number added after INC won the Ratabari constituency in by election. Whatever be there in the number, the insight is on boldness in his political stance which has made him invincible in the contemporary period, at least from 2001 to 2016.

After his coronation as CM of Assam in 2001, I have the privilege to meet him thrice, every time for the sake of problems of the Bengalis in Assam. The last among these was on a late night of early March 2016 in the CM’s Bungalow at Guwahati, just before declaration of schedule for 2016 Assembly election. That was purely a personal meeting and the discussion I have raised was on the Language Act and its proper implementation in Barak Valley. Not surprisingly, just after I started citing instances for violation of Language Act in Barak Valley, he stopped me and put forward before me the overall situation in Assam elaborating that the overall scenario in Assam relating to proper implementation of Language Act was also grim. At that meet, he assured me that if he was allowed by the people of Assam to continue in his position, he would certainly visit Barak Valley and discuss with us on the issue. This did not happen.

In politics nothing is permanent. And, Tarun Gogoi knew that pretty well. After 2016 debacle, when I met him last in the year 2017 in the Hotel Asoka at Delhi, I did not observe any sense of frustration or confusion in him. At that time, the State is going through the hot process of updating of National Register of Citizens. In that meeting at Hotel Asoka, we discussed on NRC issue at length. As usual he was very particular and clear on his standpoint. He was insisting on 2014 electoral rolls as the basis for this updating process of NRC. The ground which he discussed was very robust, at least that appeared to me at that time. He argued that as the updating process of electoral roll since 1997 to 2014 was carried out by ECI very methodically and as the 1997 summary revision of electoral roll was carried out by door to door enumeration why not embark on that electoral roll of 2014 as the basis for NRC updating process. He insisted at that time that the entire process should veer round the ethos of entrusting the privilege and rights of citizenship to the citizens inclusively, it should not end in just as an elimination process.

From the way of handling the terror strikes in Assam taking the state to the track of peace and prosperity he has proved that he was a visionary for taking the State to a level higher. His political career started as a member of Jorhat Municipal Board. Since then he fought for his own space in the political sphere of Assam till he became Chief Minister in 2001. Former Chief Minister Hiteswar Saikia knew his capability and political acumen. Perhaps, to remain on the safer side, he promoted Tarun Gogoi to the National Politics as a Union Minister during his second tenure as Chief Minister of Assam (1991-1996). Though appeared to be outspoken, Tarun Gogoi had been very tactful and having foresight on his political career. He knew what to do and he was very precise about his timing always. He returned back in state politics only after the demise of Hiteswar Saikia. And, since then, he always was invincible inside his party and also in the State politics.

Beyond the political sphere of Assam, in socio-cultural arena, regarding demographic diversity of Assam Gogoi was having very clear idea and distinct road map of action. He never ever appeared unopinionated in social issues other than politics. That has definitely elevated him to the level of a visionary statesman for Assam whom Assam would always remember with a feeling of warmth. History of Assam would have a bright chapter on Tarun Gogoi.

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