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Naari, writes Anupriya Deb

Anupriya Deb

|| Part-1 ||

Centuries ago, Napoleon remarked, that without trained and educated ‘mother’s’, a Nation’s progress is impossible. If the women of the country are uneducated, more than half of the population will remain ignorant. Education being a basic human right, shouldn’t be biased right? Ironically, it is! I was wondering why such injustice when suddenly I myself got the answer. ‘Women are not Human.’  In this country of our’s “Women” are associated with “Devi” and worshiped, ironic again. And in this case, how can they have equal human rights, isn’t it?

Dear Society, Let me remind you, we too are “human”. And so our rights are equal. Our education is not only beneficial for us, but for the family and the society, at large. Because, it is we who carry the womb to carry the future. Don’t u underestimate our capability by our stereotyped image either in the kitchen or rocking the cradle. Because, as the saying goes, “The hands that rocks the cradle rules the world.”

|| Part – 2 ||

“Women Are Playing Today, And Leading Tomorrow.”

Living in the 21st Century, there is still one aspect where we lack miserably- “Gender equality”. It is a harsh reality that inspite of having moved many steps forward from the time of World War’s, the society still remains rooted to the very idea that- Men and Women are not equal.

Like “Education”, “Sports” too is as much a girl’s thing as it is of a boy.. But ironically, it isn’t so. Women have to face unexpected obstacles to be accepted in the field of Sports too. Why does ‘sports’ invariably become synonymous with ‘male’? Why isn’t the Women Hockey Team as viral as the Indian Cricket Team? Why doesn’t the media cover even a fourth of female-centric sports?

Is it because, they still think that women are the weaker section of the society? This is what we have been considered as since our existence, right? Does our stereotyped image of being sensitive and vulnerable make you think so?

Please Don’t! Dear Society; Come forward to uncover and invest in new and innovative ways to bring and retain more girls in sports. Girls need to realise and the society needs to make them understand that it is socially acceptable and highly appreciative to participate in sports. It gives women the confidence to break the barriers and achieve goals throughout their lives.

As in the words of Kennedy Vaughan, GOTR Alum- “Girls on the Run is such a great platform for creating physically and mentally strong girls who eventually will become strong and powerful women.”

|| Part : 3 ||

Right from the birth of a girl child in a family, the family members start dreaming and planning about her ‘marriage’. The concept of marriage in our society is as sacred as worshiping. Marriage in Indian society doesn’t involve the bride and the groom alone. It actually engages the entire society. Be it love or arranged marriage, as Chetan Bhagat, in his Two States, mentioned that in other countries, it is basically the wish and consent of the bride and groom that matters to get married. But in India, marriage is something that concerns two families and two societies, at large.

As girls step to their adolescence, they start dreaming and planning about their ‘big day’. Yes, we all do! A marriage happening in the family or the neighbourhood, make butterflies fly in our stomach. We weave dreams of our new life. We dream of a partner, usually having some qualities of our dad, isn’t it? Hell yeah! We all actually unconsciously search someone who resembles our dad in someway or the other.

With new hopes and aspirations, a girl leaves behind everything and everyone, she thought, in her childhood, she would spend the rest of her life with. But alas! As she grows up, she realises that they are not the ones. Infact, the hands that she held all these days, the yard that she grew up playing in, is also not her own. Yes, that’s what we are being always. And with these, though scared, still she starts dreaming of her own beautiful world. And then, one fine day, her dream is on the way of being real. Holding a hand, she walks towards an unknown world where everything is new for her. Leaving behind her comfort zone, she steps into a new land where everything is Greek to her. Dear Society, treat your daughter-in-laws same as you would treat your dear daughters. Let her cry the tears of joy and happiness and not of bruises and abuses.

|| Part-4 ||

Fear and Silence are the two words that a woman has to deal with. A woman in our society is expected to be afraid of going out after dusk; she is expected to talk in a very low volume; or not to talk at all. Born and brought up in a patriarchal society, her voice is always subdued. The fear of expression leading to the curtailment of freedom, if the women expresses; the fear of being proved wrong by her family and the society and the fear of harming the reputation of the family, is imbibed in every woman and has become a part of her subconscious self. Women tend to remain silent because they are unaware of the fact that their speaking out might be of help to the greater section of the society. Even if a victim turns up and expresses her problems openly, the society questions back, why only you are the victim and not anyone else? This is the result of the silence’ prevailing in the society. People don’t express fearing the consequences. We have been talking and reading about women empowerment since long. But has anyone ever thought, what led to the necessity of such a discourse? It is only because of the ‘silence’ that prevails in the society.

Before asking the victim to speak up, the family and the society should be ready to accept. Women have to realise that they are ‘individuals’ and have equal right to speech and to live. Any violence to or dominance over this right has to be addressed and not accepted. It’s high time the society should encourage women by treating them as individuals. And at the same time it is the duty of every woman to “break the silence” and help the society developed in a balance and better way.

Dear Society, Do not take us for granted. We are much strong than you can think. Our tolerance too has its own limit. No more will we stay ‘silent’. Our voices will raise. As much sweet, vulnerable and subtle we are, so are we strong, confident and revolutionary. Our ‘silence’ is ‘breaking’.

|| Part-5 ||

The Inaccessible – Durga is considered to be as Devi and Shakti. Legends say, Durga was created for the slaying of the buffalo demon “Mahisasura”, by Brahma, Vishnu and the lesser Gods, embodying their collective ” Shakti”. She is a derivative from the male divinities and the true source of their inner power. On one hand, Durga presents a fierce menacing to her enemies and on the other hand, she is the mother of the universe, carrying us in her lap and protecting us from all evil.

In this country of ours, the existence of women is indeed, ironical. The branch of Hinduism that worships the Goddess, Devi, is Shaktism, whose followers recognise Shakti or Devi, as the power that underlies the female principle. Devi is depicted in different guises, be it the fierce Kali or Durga. Sometimes, she is formless- Nirguna. And sometimes she may take many forms- Saguna. In a country, where Shakti, Devi or Women supposedly believed to be worshipped, the society, rather, doesn’t hesitate to question everything about a woman.

During Navaratri and Durga Puja, girls are worshiped as Kumari, in front of the idol of Goddess Durga in Hindu tradition. Ironical, isn’t it? Yes, indeed. On one hand, little girls are worshiped and on the other hand, they are deprived of dreaming. I wonder, why the society hesitates to give a “pen” in a girl’s hand and ask her to fulfill her dreams. Some don’t let their girl child to study where as some, though let them study, but put a full stop at a certain point of time with the thought that, at the end of the day, a girl has to spend her life in bringing up her family, then why waste money on her! But Saraswati Puja is celebrated with all fancies. Sarcastic again. I don’t understand what is the main reason. Is the society still considering the women folk weak or are they afraid of our power as the saying goes, “Pen is mightier than the sword.”

Unfortunately, it doesn’t stop to education alone. In every field, women have to face unending obstacles. Even sports is not “women friendly”. It has invariably become synonymous with the ‘male’. It seems like the society is content in considering our stereotyped image of being sensitive and vulnerable. They seemed to have freezed us in an image which is either inside the kitchen or rocking the cradle. Or are they scared of handing us the hockey stick or the cricket bat? As Kennedy Vaughan pointed out that girls on the run will become confident, strong and powerful woman.

Ambitious women and family do not go hand in hand- says the society. Really? Is it applicable to men too? No, right. Ironical again. Girls with high ambitions too dream of a beautiful wedding dress, a soulmate and a perfect ‘big day’. They want to be ‘daughters’ to their in-law’s as well. But alas, the society, turns her tears of joy and happiness to tears of bruises and abuses.

The next stop of a woman’s life too is filled with uncertainties. Inspite of devoting her time, efforts and life for the family, yet she, at times, turns out to be the victim of different atrocities. And ironically, she is even not allowed to raise her voice. She should keep her voice subdued, is what the society imbibes in her since her birth. And then, they worship Maa Lakshmi!

Dear Society, the Shakti that you await the arrival of and worship, every year with immense enthusiasm and pleasure, is present in every women you come across in your entire life time. We don’t want you to worship us. We want to live our dreams. We want to fulfill our ambitions just like you do. We want to ‘live life’ just as every human has the right to. Stop stereotyping our existence. We know more than we say and think more than we speak.

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