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‘Atika Dhandhia’: A Designer of the Real Jewels of Human Life

-Shatakshi Bhattacharjee-
Atika Dhandhia, the renowned Image Consultant and the Jewellery Designer by profession and also one among the Art of Living International Faculty member have shared her journey in Art of Living for almost 15 long years with us during her recent visit to Silchar for one of the advanced meditation programme.
During her interaction, she said, “Around 15 years back when I was heading towards a Reiki class with Rs. 500 given by my mother, all of a sudden I came across a board of Art of Living in the same building. Out of curiosity, instead of Reiki, I entered into the room of Art of Living. The rest is history. It was a turning point in my life.” Presently she conducts Art of Living Part 1 course, advanced meditation program, DSN, YES course, TTC etc.
Given the current trend of materialistic aspirations taking a driver’s seat among the youth, the need of the hour is to search the cause for such trend. On introspection, it is revealed that the such trends takes its birth during childhood being influenced by our societal ecosystem. Social values now-a-days are gradually getting eroded.
It’s in this context that Atika Dhandhia, international art of living teacher, emphasised the need of including “Sudarshan Kriya”, into the school curriculum. “Air” which is the biggest sustainer of life is not accorded due importance by mankind. Breathing patterns during ‘Sudarshan Kriya’ enables one to release emotional toxins and if practiced regularly can potentially prevent and heal difficult ailments as medical scientist fraternity increasingly begin to believe that, almost the root of most of the ailments are psychosomatic.
Achieving true happiness in life is one of the prime objectives of mankind. However, such traits could not be achieved overnight. Atika Dhandhia believes that a child in order to grow up with holistic thought process and contribute to his family and society needs an education which can teach him/her to control the wavering thoughts and stay calm in the face of ever changing external conditions.
Atika Dhandhia spoke at length about the need of internal and external grooming of an individual for fulfilling, rewarding and blissful experience with Art of Living. For achieving such an end in life, both outward and inward designs are complimentary to each other. With her rich experience after conducting several courses, she dealt deeper into the various facets of art of living foundation.
With a bag full of experience, what unfolded before her is that as emotional blockages clears up with regular Sadhana “Spiritual Practice”, which has a powerful bearing on the external charisma of a person and one begins to experience positivity in everywhere in his/her life. She appreciated the inhabitants of Silchar for their hospitality and kindness bestowed upon her and at the same time she noted that the people at large here needs to empower themselves with regular practice of Sudarshan Kriya, Mediation, which will help them with fresh dynamism and enable them to scale higher in life.

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