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We want to be self-reliant, open the paper mills in Assam, writes Sushmita to Modi

May 13: Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his fifth address to India during the Coronavirus pandemic announced a package of Rs 20 lakh crore – ten percent of the GDP – as a stimulus for a near-comatose economy. He talked about “self-reliance” and also put forward a new slogan “vocal for local” call which he said would turn Indian brands into eventual global heroes. However, taking a jibe at the Prime Minister, Sushmita Dev, former MP and President of All India Mahila Congress urged upon him to ‘act on his own advice.’
Sushmita wrote a letter to the Prime Minister on 13 May wherein she wrote, “Your speech on television yesterday repeatedly appealed to the people to be self reliant. It encouraged people to produce in India and consume Indian goods.” Saying so, Ms.Dev reminded the Prime Minister his electoral promise to the people of Assam. She wrote, “Despite the Make in India slogan in the past and your personal election promise to re start the paper mills of Assam which gave employment to thousands of people was closed down.”
We want to be #atmanirbhar in Assam. My request to @PMOIndia to open the two paper mills of Assam owned by the Hindustan Paper Corp, a PSU company which remain closed despite PMs election promise to open them.
আমরা আত্মনির্ভরশীল হতে চাই
কাছাড় কাগজ কল ও নগাঁও কাগজ কল খুলে দিন।— Sushmita Dev (@sushmitadevinc) May 13, 2020
She concluded her brief but to the point letter by suggesting PM Modi to act on his own advise. She added, “We want to be self reliant in Assam and I hope you will act on your own advise and re open the paper mills of Assam in Barak Valley & Nagaon.” It needs mention here that the two paper mills are shut for more than three years. the employees too are devoid of their salary for a period of 40 months.