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Technical error or something else! Booking not possible inspite of availability at Adharchand in CoWIN

100 slots of Covaxin at Adharchand shown green for 4 hrs at CoWIN, but booking can't be done!

May 16: In a strange way, 100 slots for 19 May of Covaxin for 18+ category was green marked at Adharchand HS School in the CoWIN site since around 10.30 AM on Sunday. However, on clicking the particular box for booking, it doesn’t work and none were able to book the slots inspite of the available status displayed in the CoWIN site. This has given rise to confusion among many. Netizens glued to their mobile handsets were frustrated trying to book their slot at Adharchand school after seeing the green availability mark.


way2barak in order to ascertain the truth of the claim by the netizens logged into the CoWIN site and found that indeed 100 slots of Covaxin for 18+ category for 19 May were green marked at Adharchand HS School, which meant that these slots were available for booking. But true to the claim, the site gave no response when the particular slot was clicked. way2barak accessed the CoWIN site and verified this at 2.10 PM on Sunday. This peculiar aspect as claimed by netizens could be seen from around 10.30 AM on Sunday. That means, for almost 4 hours people were taken for a ride and thousands sat with patience for long in the hope of booking a slot for the vaccine.

Taking to the social media, many netizens have even expressed suspicion for such a phenomenon. Infact, reports of vaccine black marketing at Silchar Civil Hospital last week has left a deep scar in the minds of the people and so any irregular activities even in CoWIN usually gets marked as ‘suspicious’ (!).

But why at all such a thing happened in the CoWIN site on Sunday. Replying to this query, a health official of Cachar not willing to be named said, “I think there is nothing to be suspicious about it. Even I have seen the green availability slot as claimed by many today morning, but it seems to be due to some technical error.”

Interestingly, around 2.15 PM on Sunday, suddenly it was found that green available status in CoWIN site for Covaxin of 18+ category for 19 May has turned red (unavailable). Netizens still remained confused as to why such a thing happened and they wasted around 4 precious hours sitting with mobile in their hands in the hope of booking a slot for the live saving vaccine. Till any official explanation, such questions will remain unanswered and a mystery for the common citizens of Silchar.

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