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TDC 4th Sem Exam of Bengali (Commerce) postponed as question paper not sent to colleges by University

way2barak, Sept.12: The TDC CBCS Even Semester Examination, 2022 has commenced from the 1st week of September. In the afternoon session on 12 September, Bengali and Alternative English Exam of TDC 4th Semester (Arts & Commerce) was held. In all the affiliated colleges under Assam University where examinations were held, the invigilators had already distributed the answer scripts to the students.
However, at 1.30 PM, just when the question papers were being distributed among the students, it was suddenly discovered that the packets contained only the questions Alternative English and Bengali (Arts). But to the surprise of all, there were no question of Bengali (Commerce) in the packets. The Subject Code of this paper is BNGLAN (Commerce) 401.
Immediately, the colleges brought this matter to the notice of Dr Suprabir Dutta Roy, Controller of Examinations (COE) of Assam University, Silchar (AUS). The COE replied that he will check and get back soon. Meanwhile, the students of this subject (BNGLAN (Commerce) 401) were waiting in the examination hall in a tensed mood.
After around 15 minutes of the start of the examination, COE Dr S.Dutta Roy gave a message in the WhatsApp group of the College Principal. The COE wrote, “BNGLAN (Commerce) 401 examination scheduled to be held on 12-09-2022 afternoon is hereby postponed until further order. Date will be notified soon.”
Immediately, the message was read aloud in the examination halls. The blank answer scripts were taken away from the students and they were asked to leave the hall. A temporal chaos following this announcement was reported from a number of colleges. Students expressed great resentment at this. They were surprised as to how such an irresponsible attitude can be exhibited by the Controller of Examinations.
This is ofcourse not the first time that such an incident has happened. In the recent past too, similar incidents were reported during TDC Examinations when question papers were not sent to the colleges on the day of the examination. Meanwhile, unwilling to be named, a source in the University revealed that the question paper of that particular subject “BNGLAN (Commerce) 401” has not been made, for which the moderation board needs to take the responsibility!
Whatever, may be the cause, the fact remains that due to negligence in the mechanism, students were unable to give their exam. They will now have to wait for the new schedule and prepare once again for this subject.