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SLPRB to call additional number of candidates for written exam at the ratio of 1:5

Jan. 25: The State Level Police Recruitment Board (SLPRB) has declared merit list on 19 January, 2022 for:
- 2391 posts of Constables (UB) & 4271 posts of Constables (AB)
- 813 posts of Constables in APRO & 788 posts of Constables etc in F&ES.
- 754 posts of Constables under DGCD & CGHG
- 154 posts of Constables in AISF (From SPO’s only) under DGCD & CGHG
The notification further stated that many candidates had cleared the cut off in more than one category of posts. The actual number of people called for written exam in the result declared on 19 January, 2022 thereby, has fallen much below the ratio of 1:5 as announced in the original advertisements dated 25 April 2018, addendum dated 19 December 2019, advt dated 18 February, 2020, advt dated 08 June, 2020, advt dated 13 December, 2017. The SLPRB has reviewed the matter and decided to call an additional number of candidates for written exam at the ratio of 1:5 as applicable in all categories of posts where eligible candidates are available as announced in advertisements noted above. The new merit list will be declared shortly.