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Bad weather! Rahul Gandhi’s flight does not land at Silchar Airport, all return back disappointed

March 30: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi was supposed to visit Silchar on 30 March and exchange views with women of the area at India Club Indoor stadium, Silchar in the morning. Even advertisements were given in the front page of the leading newspapers by the Congress informing the people about Rahul Gandhi’s visit. However, as per sources, the scheduled visit of Rahul Gandhi on 30 March stands cancelled. As per the revised programme, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi was to come at Silchar airport towards the noon on 30 March and interact with only the journalists at the Airport premises and then go back. However, that programme was also cancelled as his chartered flight did not land at Silchar Airport.


Congress leader Jitender Singh informed that due to bad weather, Rahul Gandhi’s chartered flight could not land at Silchar Airport. It was then that the correspondent of way2barak asked Mr Singh, “All other flights are landing normally at Silchar airport today, so how can you say that due to bad weather Rahul Gandi’s flight cannot land here?” To this, Jitender Singh replied, “Actually, those were commercial flights which landed today at Silchar, but Mr. Gandhi was travelling in a chartered flight. There is a difference between the two. Due to poor weather, his chartered flight failed to land.”

Meanwhile, a host of journalists who waited at the airport for long hours had to return back after spending valuable time during the election phase at the airport. Congress candidates of all the constituencies of Barak Valley also returned empty handed. The Paper Mill union too went to the airport to meet Rahul Gandhi. For them, it was also a sad moment.

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