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Retrieval: When I look back…. writes Parimal De

Dec. 28: At the fag end of 2021, Barak Valley lost one of the eminent educationist Parimal De. She was 93. Parimal De retired from service as the Principal of Women’s College, Silchar. The present article was written by Parimal De, which was published by GC College, Silchar in its journal ‘Anweshan’, Vol VIII,2009 & IX, 2010. way2barak has reproduced this article here as a mark of tribute to Late Prof. Parimal De. We acknowledge our thanks to team ‘Anweshan’ for this article. way2barak expresses special thanks to Dr Apratim Nag. 

Usually, an educational institution is set up with the help of donations from either rich or charitable persons of the locality. Gurucharan College was no exception as it also started its journey with the aid of a donation of Rs. 10,000 by Kiranshashi Nag, widow of late Gurucharan Nag.

But the history of the establishment of the Science section in Gurucharan College is entirely different. Arun Kumar Chanda, a towering personality of this region was the founder Principal of the college. It was his earnest desire that a Science section be set up in the college. But as ill luck would have it, he left for his heavenly abode at an early age before he could translate that dream into reality.

After his demise, some teachers of the college decided that they would plunge into the endeavour for establishment of the Science section. But their decision met with stiff opposition from certain quarters as it was felt by them that it was not an easy task to accomplish. But the teachers were steadfast in their resolve and started working on that front.

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A committee was formed and the teachers who played the leading role were Prof. Haripada Bhattachatjee, Prof. Amal Kumar Gupta. Prof. Dilip Kumar Chakraborty. Prof. R. K. Dutta Gupta. etc. Many other teachers also helped and under their leadership, some students including myself also came forward. It was decided that funds would be raised and they would go from door to door for collection of funds. We decided to accept whatever was given by the public as donation and started our venture.

Though, in general, the common people welcomed us whenever we approached them, yet there were people also who did not mince words in criticizing us and even terming us as ‘insane’. We used to cover the entire town on foot and never hired a rickshaw as we felt that if we could save the rickshaw fare, then it could be used for the science section. When someone contributed five rupees, we were elated and felt that it was a great achievement on our part. The teachers also took active part in fund-raising and they mostly approached the business houses, banks, etc. The most notable contribution came from Dalu Ram Agarwalla. a businessman from Shillongpatty locality of the town.

When due to the combined efforts of the teachers and the students, some funds were collected, it was decided that a date be fixed for the foundation-stone laying ceremony. Finally, the day arrived. It was 1st  May, 1949. The foundation stone was laid by Mr. Vaghaiwalla. the then Deputy Commissioner of Cachar, who also played a very supportive role for the establishment of the science section. Some girls including myself were assigned to sing the opening song ‘মরণ সাগর পারে তোমরা অমর’. When we were singing the song, suddenly we heard some male voices singing behind us. We turned back and found that they were none other than Prof. Amal Kumar Gupta and Prof. Dilip Chakraborty. We were simply awestruck. Actually, they were so excited that they could not resist the temptation of lending their voices to the song.

I left the college in 1949.I know that for some years, the students decided not to celebrate the College week in the usual manner and instead, during the entire week, the teachers and the students went to the far-flung areas for collection of funds. It can be said without an iota of doubt that it is only because of the hard work and devoted efforts put in by the teachers and the students that the college has gone a long way and has occupied its present position of prominence in the educational scenario of the country.

(The cover photograph is from the personal collection of Prof Parimal De as published along with her article in Anweshan. In the photo, Parimal Dey, a student & an office bearer of the Union could be seen sitting in the centre of the 2nd row along with the then Principal Arun Kumar Chanda. The Principal is seated with the members of Gurucharan College Majlish in 19445-46). 

Also Read: Retired Principal of Women’s College Parimal De passes away at 93

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