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New Covid SOP issued by Assam Govt for educational institutions, parental consent must for students to attend school/college

Jan. 8: Assam Government has issued new guidelines to be followed by the educational institutions (both government and private) in the state. These guidelines will come into effect from 7 January, 2022 till further orders. Informing this, state Education Minister Dr Ranoj Pegu said, “I request all to go through the SOP issued by the Education Department.”

General Guidelines:

1. All Schools (both Govt. and Private) upto Class VIII in Kamrup Metropolitan District and upto Class V in all other Districts shall remain closed until further orders.

2. The physical classes shall be allowed on alternate days for class IX,X,XI and XII in respect of Kamrup(M) District as detailed below:

(a) Class IX and XI shall be held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

(b) Class X and XII shall be held on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

3. In respect of other Districts (excluding Kamrup (M)) the physical classes shall be allowed on alternate days as detailed below :

(a) Class VI, VIII, X and XII shall be held on evety Monday Wednesday and Friday.

(b) Class VII, IX and XI shall be held on every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

4. The physical classes In respect of degree/Post Graduate Students of Colleges/ Universities/ Engineering Colleges/ Technical Institutions are allowed to function with fully vaccinated students.

5. The In-Charge Headmaster/Headmistress of the Elementary Schools shall supervise and ensure serving of Mid-Day Meal to the students as per instructions guidelines issued by the Govt. from time to time during class days and of days.

6. In respect of attendance of Students in schools, attendance is not compulsory and will be based purely on parental consent.

7. In addition to formal classes online classes will also continue as per requirement and continuity of education.

8. Meetings in schools’educational institutions (formal and informal) will not be allowed in the Educational Institution premises.

9. There will be no cultural function, meetings etc., until further orders.

10. There should not be more than 30 (thirty) students in a section. The Head of the Institution will assess the required number of sections and open more sections accordingly if required.

I1. All Educational Institutions shall continue to provide quality virtual option/ online classes In addition to physical classes.

12. The Schools/ Educational Institutions shall have to be sanitized on every weekend (preferably on every Sunday).

13. COVID appropriate behaviour should be followed by every Educational Institution.

14. Compulsory use of Masks/ Sanitizers by all shall be ensured.

15. Social distancing in classes shall be ensured. Maintenance of physical distance of minimum 6 feet both inside and outside the classroom should be ensured.

16. Temperature check of all students/ teachers etc. shall be done every day through thermal screening during entry of the teachers/ students/ and non-teaching staff.

17. Every school/ college or Educational Institution authority should co-ordinate with the nearest Health Centre (PHC/ CHC etc.) in case of fever, cough, difficulty in breathing/ medical emergency.

18. Whenever any COVID-19 positive case is detected in the school premises immediate information should be shared with the nearest Government Health Institution/ Circle Officer of the concerned Revenue Circle. And thereafter the school should be opened next day only for COVID 19 testing (RAT & RTPCR) of the students, teaching, non-teaching staff etc.

19. Hand washing facilities in the schools/ colleges shall be arranged at prominent locations inside the premises. A separate room shall be identified and be kept ready to keep any student/teacher/non-teaching stall under isolation in the event of any positive symptoms being observed during their stay in the institution till such time Health Department officials arrive for testing.

(a) Students should not share any material (Textbooks, notebooks, pen, pencil, eraser, Tiffin box, water bottle etc.) with each other.

(b) The health, hygiene and safety protocols of COVID -19 as issued by the Health & Family Welfare Department from time to time should be followed.

(c) Regarding sanitization of schools/ Educational Institutions, it will be the joint responsibility of the SMDC of the schools, Deputy Commissioner of the District , Joint Director of Health Services and Inspector of Schools.

(d) Students should be made aware about proper and scientific use of Mask, frequent change of Mask, sanitization, maintenance of physical distance of minimum 6 ft. both inside and outside the classroom.

(e) Regular cleaning and disinfection of the classrooms toilets corridor etc., shall have to be done.

(f) Arrangements for potable water for hand washing with soaps. Install hand washing station, hygienic drinking water points, toilets and urinals to allow physical distancing of atleast 2 meters and ensure these facilities are accessible to children with disabilities.

(g) Social distancing in classes/ assembly etc. space will be created in the classroom to ensure that the children desk stands one meter apart and responsibility for such arrangement would lie on the Head of the institution.

(h) A District level task force Chaired by Deputy Commissioner of the District and consisting of District Heads of the concerned line Department as members will be responsible for ensuring enforcement of the SOP. Notification has already been issued earlier by Education Department.

(i) Schools/ Educational Institutions shall not be opened in containment zones till further instructions from the Govt.

(j) Whenever multiple COVID-19 positive eases are detected in the school premises and thereafter immediately the school/Educational institution will be closed for a period of 7 (seven) days. Subsequently after closure of the school/ educational institution the school building including the entire premises desk and benches, toilet stations/ drinking water station etc., should be thoroughly sanitized. Thereafter, after 7(seven) days the school will be re-opened with due permission from Deputy Commissioner of the District.

(k) In respect of private educational institutions social/ physical distancing shall be maintained and buses will carry 1/3 intake of the students in the bus. The school buses should be properly sanitized twice daily.

(I) A Register shall be prepared with records of vaccination status of all the students/teaching and non-teaching staff. The Register shall be submitted to the Revenue Circle Officer every 14 days alternately.

Seating plan:

  • Physical distancing of atleast 6 feet has to be strictly followed.
  • Physical and social distancing shall be maintained in the staff rooms, office area and other places of public interaction.
  • Seats maybe designated with adequate distance for teachers in the staff room and other available rooms/ halls.

Physical/ social distancing in the entry and exit points of the Schools/ Colleges/ Universities: 

  • Earmarking different lanes for entry and exit of students, teachers non-teaching staff. Visit of outsiders should be strictly prohibited.
  • Opening of all the gates at the time of entry and exit in cast of Schools/ Colleges which have multiple gates shall be done to avoid overcrowding.
  • Displaying posters/ signage/ stickers at appropriate places reminding students about maintaining physical/social distancing must be ensured.
  • Display communication materials (info-graphics) etc. on COVID-19 prevention in different areas within the School/College premises and the community.
  • No outside vendors should be allowed to sell any eatables inside the School/ College premises or at the entry/exit gate points.
  • Ensure Soap (Liquid) is available at each hand washing station. near every door of toilets, in the Mid-Day-Meal distribution areas/ school Canteens and school entrance points.
  • The Headmaster of the respective school will assign one teacher to stand at the entry point of the school during entry of the students and one teacher at the exit point during the exit of the students.

Parents/ Guardians consent:

  • Students will come to the schools/ Colleges provided their parents have no objection and as such written undertaking/confirmation from the parents should be produced in the schools/ Colleges.
  • Parents should ensure that their ward goes to schools/Colleges wearing a mask and sensitize them not to exchange mask with others.
  • Parents may take care not to send their ward to school if the child is not feeling well.
  • Students willing to study from home through online mode maybe allowed to do so.
  • Attendance must not be enforced and must depend entirely on parental consent.

Schools/ Colleges/ Universities events, meetings. etc.:

  • Schools/ Colleges/ Universities should not undertake any school events/ college events /Universities events.
  • Functions and celebration of festivals should be avoided in schools/ Colleges.
  • School assembly may be conducted by the students in the respective classrooms/ outdoor spaces/ other available spaces and halls under the guidance of the class teachers and maintaining physical distancing of atleast 6 feet.

Formation of different Task teams:

The schools/ Colleges will ensure formation of different Task teams such as Emergency care support/ Response team/ General support team for all stakeholders, hygiene inspection team, etc. The members of such teams may be identified from amongst the Teachers, Professors, Associate Professors, students and other stakeholders who will work collaboratively to take strategic and immediate action.

Health checkup:

Regular health checkup of students and teachers must be ensured.

Ensure safe commuting of students who avail school/college transport:

  • Sanitization of school/ College transport should be done on regular basis atleast twice a day- once before children board the transport and once after.
  • Driver and conductor should ensure physical distance at all times along with students.

Protocol to be followed in case of detection of suspected case of COVID-19:

  • The sick student or the sick staff should be placed in a room or area where they are isolated from others. • The nearest medical centre should be contacted.
  • A risk assessment will be undertaken by the treating physician.
  • Disinfection of the premises to be taken up if the person is found positive.
  • The school authorities/ College should coordinate with the nearest health centre/Joint Director of Health Services, in case of emergency.
  • All protocols as advised by Health and Family Welfare Department/ NHM should be followed.

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