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Honesty Exists: Passenger leaves bag containing cash & gold, auto driver returns it
সততার নজির! যাত্রীর ফেলে যাওয়া নগদ অর্থ ও সোনা ফিরিয়ে দিল অটোচালক

February 27: In a world marked by incidents of rich eloping with the money of the poor, honesty seems to have become almost an extinct concept. In such a rarest of a rare incident, an auto-rickshaw driver returned a bag left by one of his passengers by mistake in his vehicle. The bag contained cash and a set of gold bangles worth almost Rs.1 lakh.

On Wednesday, Soroju Deb and his wife Pinky Deb came from their ancestral home at Irongmara in a public vehicle and got down at Rangirkhari point in the late afternoon. At Rangirkhari point, they took an auto-rickshaw and went to Sailashri Lane at Manipuri Basti, Tarapur. They had some luggage with them. They got down from the auto, took their luggage and proceeded towards the house of one Gautam Chakraborty where the sister of Pinky Deb stays as a tenant. The auto also went away from there.

Just after a few minutes, Pinky Deb suddenly discovered that she has left her handbag in the auto. She kept the handbag on the rear dashboard of the vehicle. At once, her husband and other relatives rushed back to the main road to search the auto. But by that time, the auto had left the area. They waited for around 3 to 4 hours on the road in the hope that the auto-driver may come back to return her bag. The bag contained some cash and a pair of gold bangles worth almost Rs.1 lakh along with other petty materials. Sadness prevailed in their house for they became sure that the auto driver has found the bag and has stolen the valuables.

Auto driver returning the bag & gold bangles

However, on the next day, that is, on Thursday afternoon at around 2.30 P.M., suddenly Pinky Deb heard the sound of the calling bell. Her eyes could not believe to see that it was the auto driver standing before her with the lost bag in his hands. He came to return the bag along with his wife and 2 children. On being asked, the auto driver introduced himself as Bishal Choudhury. He said that he saw the bag lying in his auto at night. He could guess that it belonged to the passenger who got down at Manipuri Basti, Tarapur. As by that time, it was quite late at night, so he decided to come and return it the next day.

The happiness of Pinky Deb and her family members knew no bounds to find her bag. On opening it, she found her cash and gold bangles intact. Speaking to way2barak, Pinky Deb said, “All these days, I believed that honesty is an extinct concept, but today after the auto driver Bishal Choudhury returned my bag, I am bound to say that though rare, yet honest persons are still there. I salute the man and pray for his well-being.”

way2barak too salutes the auto driver Bishal Choudhury who proved once again that honest persons are still there in this materialistic society.

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