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Gujarat Governor inaugurates cow research centre to promote use of milk, dung & urine
June 8: In order to promote traditional use of cow milk, gaumutra and dung by establishing science-based research and innovations, Gujarat Technological University (GTU) has set up a cow research centre (Gau Anusandhan Unit). The research centre was virtually inaugurated by Gujarat Governor Acharya Devvrat. The centre is an initiative of the Rashtriya Kamdhenu Aayog (RKA), the principal advisory body on this subject at the Ministry of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries. The RKA is an advisory body set up by the Centre to develop programmes for the conservation of indigenous cow breeds.
Devvrat, who himself is great exponent of vedic studies and protection of indigenous cows, said that the GTU can play a major role in this subject. “At present, which is prevalent is a lot of emotional talk on cows but not much scientific work has been undertaken yet. We propose to establish traditional knowledge through scientific research and innovations,” GTU Vice-Chancellor Navin Sheth said. GTU also plans to employ rural women to manufacture products from cow dung and gaumutra.