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A multi-faceted personality, Bidhayak Bhattacharjee in conversation with Dr. Himabrata Das

August 19: The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic has left our habitat topsy turvy. Every segment of human existence seemed to be overpowered by a microscopic virus, thereby questioning the supremacy of the homo sapiens on this globe. However, on turning the pages of history, it can well be discerned that mankind has evolved out of every challenge of its existence and come up with alternatives of survival. Though it is too early to speculate, but humankind in all probability is moving ahead converting challenges into opportunities. This write up is on such a man representing the new breed of ‘Covid Warriors’ who offered tireless service during the ongoing pandemic with great eclat. A banker by profession and an exceptional singer by choice, the multi-faceted genius, Bidhayak Bhattacharjee, who is currently serving as Chief Manager, State Bank of India (SBI), Narsingpur Branch opens up his heart before Dr. Himabrata Das.

Dr. Himabrata Das

H.D. How have you been dealing with the pandemic?

B.B. This has been a high and low journey for me. In the first phase, I was terrified like many others being unaware about the behavior and effects of the disease, but as a member of the Covid warrior team of Bankers gradually I, like all other Bankers, accepted it as a challenge with all positivity. Then came up the exciting experience of online musical events and I just loved doing and watching online singing shows and connecting with my dear ones.

H.D. As a banker, how do you look at the economic situation in our country? What measures do you believe will help us in recovering from this crisis?

B.B. I need not explain the state of economy of the country when the enlightened experts have already done this. But as a banker dealing with the common people, I feel that it has nearly destroyed every sector of the economy creating huge lot of unemployed skilled and unskilled people and a collective targeted strategy of the Government, entrepreneurs & workers focussing exclusively on core sectors may give right direction in defeating this unprecedented crisis.

H.D. Please tell our readers about your association with Hailakandi and the cultural organisation “Oikotaan”?

B.B. I love to introduce myself as a singer of Barak Valley because I was born in Cachar, started my musical journey as toddler here then shifted to Karimganj at early youth and had a short but happening singing episode there. From there my profession pushed me to Hailakandi where I received warm and generous welcome from the people in general and the musical fraternity in particular and how can I forget that this place has gifted me the partner of my life and my music Madhumita, my wife. Thus, I wholeheartedly belong to Sagnik, Shilpi Sangsad, Dishari, Charanik, Blood Mouth and of course Oikotaan.

H.D. You are an exceptional singer and have delighted audiences far and wide. Who are your favourite vocalists

B.B. Literally I’m unable to answer this, as every single vocalist whom I’ve ever listened to is a favourite of mine. I feel that if just one song of a singer has touched my heart he’s a favourite, that’s why when I love Manna Dey, I just can’t less love Suprakash Chaki or when I’m mesmerized by the singing of Kishore Kumar, I equally love Shailendra Singh for his unforgettable numbers. By the way, I’m grateful that you’ve so much love for my singing.

H.D. How do you see the role of technology in how we are currently leading our lives? Do you believe that innovation will transform our collective human experience?

B.B. You see, the history of humanity is the history of innovation and thus technology has always been at the centre stage. I am therefore a believer of the opinion that technology has been a strong enabler in shaping our lives, our dreams our values when it is understood, accepted and implemented in true spirit.

H.D. Lastly, your vision for the Barak Valley. What do you think we need to do to enrich our region?

B.B. Our valley has a very rich heritage of education, culture & agriculture led by the wisest and most laborious of people. History has devoid us of what could have been ours; this is therefore, high time that we realise our strengths and convert our energy to build this land as a land of modern farmers, smart entrepreneurs and quality education. We can’t afford to remain indifferent to the politics of development and self-respect anymore.

Also Read: ছাপার কাজ নেই বললেই চলে, আক্ষেপ ‘সফল প্রকাশক’ পুণ্যপ্রিয় চৌধুরীর

**Dr. Himabrata Das, Registrar, Department of Psychiatry, Tezpur Medical College & Hospital (TMCH). Apart from this, he is a vivid lover of sports, an eloquent commentator and a columnist. 

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