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Two-days National Seminar in the Department of Political Science in Assam University

way2barak, March 14: A two-day National Seminar was organized in the Department of Political Science in Assam University on March 12-13 on the theme ‘Bridging Borders, Building Bridges – Exploring Connections between North East and South East Asia’. Prof. Joyati Bhattacharya was the Coordinator of the Nation Seminar. Three distinguished Guests, Ambassador Sudhir T. Devare, Prof. Tridib Chakraborti and Prof. Soma Bhowmick graced the program as the keynote speaker and invited guests. .Prof. Debasish Bhattacharjee, the founder teacher of the Department of Political Science graced the inaugural program along with Prof. Joyati Bhattacharya, Prof. Debotosh Chakraborty and Prof. Projit Kumar Palit. Dr. Harsha S. delivered the Vote of Thanks. Dr. Mahan Borah and Dr. Vasavi Singh were rapporteurs of the first day Key Note Address and Invited Lectures. Guests were felicited by research scholars of the Department. The program was a huge success. Prospects of the Act East Policy, present state of affairs in South Asia, challenges and opportunities of Bridging Borders, NER’s internal problems were highlighted upon in the Key Note Address and Invited Talk.
The program ended with heated and interesting interaction. More than sixty presenters are presenting papers in technical sessions which include some distinguished academicians of Northeast East India and outside. Overall the program was conducted very seamlessly with an aim to throw light on a theme that is more relevant in today’s context in South Asia.