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100 +ve cases detected on Sunday in Cachar including 5 more from Cancer Hospital

August 30: A total of 100 new cases of COVID-19 were detected from across Cachar district till 7 PM on Sunday. Out of the 100 fresh cases, 84 of them were found positive in Rapid Antigen Test (RAT), whereas the rest 16 were detected positive in the 1st & 2nd slot of RT-PCR Test. A total of 703 rapid tests were done during the day. The results of some more slots of RT-PCR tests are awaited and so the number of positive cases may further increase at night. This was informed by Suman Choudhury, District Media Expert on Saturday evening.
In the 1st slot of RT-PCR Test results on Sunday, 14 persons were detected as COVID-19 positive in Cachar district. Out of this, 5 more persons at Cachar Cancer Hospital & Research Centre (CCHRC) tested positive. The 5 patients of the Cancer Hospital who tested positive during the day are 30-year-old male from Meherpur Naga Colony, 45-year-old male from Meherpur, 24-year-old female from Kajidohar, 35-year-old female from Rangirkhari and 12-year-old child from Meherpur. The detection of so many positive cases almost daily at the CCHRC has become a major cause of concern for the health department.
Apart from them, 7 persons from Masimpur Military Station were also found positive during the day, They are a 31 years old female, 02 months old baby, 38 years old male, 30 years old male, 10 years old child, 32 years old female, and a 24 years old female.
Another 40 years old female from Ahugear in Cachar was also detected positive. The last one in this slot is a 82 years old male from Dwarbond, Chotojalenga Part-3 who is at present admitted at SMCH. He was tested positive after he exhibited SARI symptoms.
In the 2nd slot of RT-PCR test results, two persons from 1st Link Road in Silchar were found COVID-19 positive. They are a 11 years old child and a 80 years old male. Both of them are asymptomatic. They were infected as they came in direct contact with high risk lab confirmed cases.