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Unsung heroes….
May 22: Incessant rainfall has triggered flood in various parts of Assam including Cachar district. Though at present, the water level in all the major rivers including Barak are receding, however, flood water is playing havoc both in urban and rural Cachar. The worries of the flood affected people at Silchar town became multiplied with disruption of both power and water supply. However, the factor which went unrecognised was the immense hardship under which the employees of PHE, APDCL were working for more than 48 hours, leaving behind their families whose houses too were submerged.
Let’s have a glance at the saga of those “Unsung Heroes”
On Friday, the condition of the barge at Sadar Ghat water supply plant became very serious as 3 out of 5 delivery pipe lines were torn away by flowing water at high speed on Thursday night. Water flows through these pipes to the plant. Till then, with limited capability, the PHE was trying to supply water at some areas of Silchar town. However, after the delivery pipe lines were broken, things assumed a critical shape. Additional 25 staff were engaged for restoration of the damaged pipe lines. Along with regular staff of PHE and Silchar Municipal Board, the additional staff worked throughout the night to repair them. However, as the entire Sadar Ghat plant too was water logged, the repair team were finding it very difficult to set the machinery in order. For long hours, the employees getting down at chest-level flood water were trying their level best for repairing the damages done by flood water.
Finally, more than 48 hours of work enabled them to partially restore the facility and PHE started supply of water at various areas. Infact, the department still is working on for full restoration of the system. Though people of Silchar town too were affected by flood and were finding it great difficulty to manage without supply of water, but we hardly bother to think about those employees of the department who too inspite of being the victims of flood have come out leaving their family sometimes at the mercy of none and stays immersed in flood water and continues repair work for long hours. Many may comment that it’s a part of their duty! Yes, that might be true, but a little token of recognition by the consumers of water and electricity would provide them impetus to undertake repair work in such a hostile situation.
Let’s see now the situation of employees of APDCL during this hour of crisis. On Saturday morning, APDCL stated that Water level at Chenkuri 33/11 KV sub-station reached almost the danger level. To avoid any untoward incident, the whole sub station will be kept under shutdown until the water recedes. The areas where power supply has been disrupted are Civil Hospital, Panpatty, ambicapatty, Chenkuri road, Bilpar, Public School Road, Rangirkhari, Hospital Road, Link Road, National Highway, Bhagatpur etc. “We are trying hard to evacuate power to these areas from other 33/11 KV sub stations via different 11 KV feeders, stated APDCL.
However, towards the evening, APDCL informed that all 4 feeders under chenkuri sub station were under shutdown due to the rise in water level. However, after the day long untiring effort and innovative thinking, all these 4 feeders are now charged from 3 different 33/11 KV sub stations via different 11 KV feeders. On Sunday, APDCL informed, “WE understand and sincerely regret the inconvenience faced by our consumers but WE can’t compromise with the safety of human and animal lives. Cooperation from our valued consumers and all sections of society is kindly solicited.”
Recognising the efforts of the APDCL employees, Prof Dipendu Das of Department of English, Assam University wrote in his Facebook wall on Sunday: “Though the flood water has been slowly receding in Southern Assam, several areas are still inundated. Its going to be dusk soon. Putting their lives at risk, these unsung warriors are engaged in the task of restoring electricity through hostile weather.” Well, that’s the praise they require. Amid torrential shower on Saturday night, these employees were seen to walk through the flood water at various parts of Silchar and repair the faulty lines.
These employees are indeed the “Unsung Heroes”. With immense gratitude, we salute all such “Unsung Heroes” for their dedicated service at the hour of crisis…..