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The Soul Behind the Lens: Moumita Gupta in a candid talk with photo wizard Subrajit Paul

Moumita Gupta

Dec. 6: It is probably the question, paramount to all others, that should be addressed by new and old photographers alike. What makes a great photograph? A  candid conversation with Subrajit Paul very broadly touches on approaching this question in this write-up “The Soul Behind the Lens.” What he points out is that creating a great photo is above all else a creative process. The young local photographer Subrajit Paul was on my radar for awhile now. His dramatically lit photographs & videos have a cinematic quality that makes his work stand out. His energy and passion for photography is inspiring. Here’s a little glimpse into the young man behind the lens for way2barak

Moumita Gupta (M.G.) in a candid talk with photo wizard Subrajit Paul (S.P.) for

M.G. Where or how did the passion of photography/ videography took birth in you?

S.P. Well, the story goes back to 2005, when all of a sudden, a craze peeped in my life when I suddenly got inclined towards photography/ videography. But at that time, I was too young to get opportunity to such exposure. Gradually,I came to know of the basic pinnacle studio software by means of which I initiated myself in this world. I then started editing wedding videos as an amateur. In 2008, I purchased a DSLR camera but ironically, at that moment, I did not have much know how of how to handle it. I just went on simply clicking photographs. At that time, I used to stay at Salgonga in Cachar, where I set up a photo studio. I was very happy as many customers came for passport size photographs and needless to say that I began earning well.

M.G. So your passion for photography seemed to call you to shoulder bigger challenges. Where exactly you were heading to?

S.P. In 2010, I came over to Silchar and started to shoot photographs for wedding events. But though I used to do work in Silchar, but I never stayed here. I used to come from Salgonga daily. I approached so many persons to give me work, but none seems to take the risk of hiring a first timer. At that phase, many fashion shows used tot take pace in Silchar. I started going to these programmes and took photographs of the models doing ramp walk. Gradually, I became inclined towards the world of fashion. I still remember how people used to make fun of me.

As days passed by, once again, I wanted to do something different, something serious. At that time, I became acquainted with Sharmistha Deb who used to publish a monthly magazine ‘Ichhedana.’ It was through her that I got the work of photography of a wedding in Silchar. It was 2004. I posted several of photographs in Facebook and got appreciated for my work.

It was in February, 2015, that I stepped into the world of candid photography. At that time, I found it difficult to travel daily from Salgonga. So I took a room on rent in Silchar and shifted here in 2016.

M.G. So Subhrajit, what other changes took place in your career after shifting your ground from Salgonga to Silchar? 

S.P. All of a sudden, the craze for landscape again captivated me. This is because I love nature. Whenever I feel very down, I seek refuge in nature. It is at this stage of my career in 2016 that I approached Debraj Chakraborty, a renowned photographer of Barak Valley. I started to learn the art of landscape photography from him and also did workshop on it. Thus, started my landscape journey. I went to Meghalaya, clicked many pictures there and earned wide appreciation for my work.

However, once in this field, gradually I realised that landscape photography as a hobby is fine but it is financially not enough to sustain one’s livelihood. Moreover, at the same time, I also felt that wedding photography won’t give any fixed income.

M.G. I have heard that you then shifted to Kolkata and then went to Mumbai. So what did you did you do there?

S.P. No Mam, I didn’t want to change my field, but do something alike. You are right. I then made up my mind to further equip myself. It is then that I decided to move ahead in life in search of greener pastures. I went to Kolkata to learn VFX course in 2017, where I took admission at MAAC Institute in Park Street. It was a diploma course in VFX. A year later, came an opportunity. MAAC Institute organised a student level contest. In 2018, I did work in such a 3D short film project of MAAC, which ran for 6 months.

In December 2018, I went to Mumbai. It was an Award Ceremony and I was adjudged for ‘Best Jury Award’ for 3D short film. It was a precious moment for me. Meanwhile, in 2019, I also completed my VFX course. I then got offer to work in VFX in Mumbai. However, due to some personal problems, I could not grab that offer but rather preferred to stay and work in Kolkata. It was then that I started to work in Kolkata in the fields of wedding photography and fashion photography.

M.G. You have also worked in a film in Kolkata. What exactly was that? Can you narrate for us?

S.P. In 2019, I again met Sharmistha Deb in Kolkata. At that time, she was making a film. She offered me to work with her as Director of Photography. I at once grabbed the offer and started to work with her. I totally immersed myself in cinematography and worked with Sharmistha Deb in her film “Sharbabhuteshu.” However, my struggle was not over yet. Along with this film, I also did wedding shoots and fashion photography.

M.G. So what made you to come back to Silchar?

S.P. Well, in March 2020, everything went on topsy turvy with the outbreak of coronavirus pandemic. Life came to a standstill. In the month of June, I somehow came back to Silchar from Kolkata and was quarantined for 22 days. It was then that Bikramjit Baulia gave me the offer of making a video. I did that work. It was a video made by the district administration for publicity. Gradually, I started to start working in full swing over here.

M.G. We have seen you very active in social media. You have also your own blogs and YouTube channel. Tell us something about that.

S.P. It is at this phase of my career that I decided to step into the world of web. I started my own blog “Wedding Whistle & Subrajit’s Vlogography”, a YouTube channel, which has now 1.65 thousand subscribers. Infact, the name Subhrajit’s is not new. In 2016, one of my friend suggested this name. It has now become quite popular. I am now fully into this and cinematography has now become my passion.

M.G. As we have now moved into the Unlock phase, so do you have any plans of returning back to Kolkata?

S.P. Actually, I started to get work in Silchar even during lockdown and the period after that. What I feel is that, if now I make a move to Kolkata, then I will have to start everything afresh. So I have made up my mind to stay here in Silchar and continue with my works.

M.G. It’s indeed an interesting journey of yours. Tell us something about your personal life.

S.P. I was born and brought up in Salgonga, a village in Cachar. My father Sankarshan Paul, a retired school teacher suffered a brain stroke in 2004. He was bed-ridden for 10 years and ultimately passed away in 2014. I then used to stay there with my mother Niva Rani Paul. Initially, when I used to discuss my ambition of going into photography, my relatives made fun of me; many neglected me and made fun of me. For them, it was an impossible dream for a boy from from remote Salgonga to pursue a career in photography, cinematography or glamour world. But I was firm as a rock.I took a pledge to transform my dream into reality. By the grace of God, blessings of my parents and encouragement from a select few, I moved on in life.

In this journey of life as a photographer, I want to mention the special help, encouragement and love I received from my mother Niva Rani Paul, my mentor Debraj Chakraborty, Sharmistha Deb and Bikramjit Kar.

M.G. Anything else you would like to share?

S.P. For those interested in the field of photography, I would like to say that, if you want to get better at your photography, leave gear aside. Use what you have, get yourself a cheap speedlite, and go practice making some incredible images. One should have that zeal and creativity alive to be able to become successful. This is an upcoming field in our part of the country. People now have a craze for good photography and videography. They want to make portfolios. If one knows the tricks of the trade, then there will be no dearth of work.

However, a majority of the people over here unfortunately does not understand the main philosophy which lies hidden behind photography. For many, just by mere possession of a camera, one can become a photographer. No, this is not entirely correct. Many people approach me and ask to click 2/3 photos and think that it will be done free of cost. There is lacking of professional approach here. None tries to really understand that it’s not the matter of clicking 2/3 photographs. The time I spent to master the art of photography, the money I spent to purchase cameras, gears etc. just goes unnoticed to them. I hope that in this era of globalisation, people of Barak Valley too would realise that photography is also a career and thereby give birth to professional culture.

CREDITS : Photographs & Videos by Subhrajit Paul have been used with permission for way2barak. Do not copy, modify or re-distribute the images without express permission from Subhrajit Paul.

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