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Tea Industry: A Planter’s Perspective- Part V- ‘Tea Estates – Expressionless!’

Tea Estates – Expressionless!

December 4: While trying to understand the subtle intricacies existing within the Tea Estates, a question that naturally arises is- why are the owners/planters silent on issues which are sapping the vitality of the tea industry?

In the quest of a befitting reply, way2barak raised this issue with a senior planter Anil Goenka.  He began his reply with a quote of Martin Luther King, who once said, “SILENCE IS BETRAYAL.” Mr. Goenka then went on to say that, “The question I ask the planter community especially of North India is why we have lost our animal instincts in taking up issues with the powers that be. Why do we keep silent on issues which hits our very existence and why cannot we all unite to face the challenges coming our way be it – a) MSP b) Ration c) P L Act d) impractical labour issues & e) a host of very pressing demands such as availability of manure at government notified rates, transportation/logistical parity etc.”

Taking a dig at his fellow planters, he said,We should be inspired by the grit and unique concept of unity exhibited by the planters of South India and the Sugar Cane Growers who have made sure that the Government of the day hears them and talks to the stakeholders, how big or small they may be. Actually, we planters are still in the British hangover till now.”

One unique feature which the system is following for the past 70 years is that big players are given an ear by the powers that matter and the medium, small and marginal growers/players have no one to go to. This is betrayal.

Actually, “SILENCE IS NO MORE GOLDEN” as the old proverb said. In today’s kaliyug times no one listens unless things are brought to the street level. Most of the planters argued that arranging ones’ working capital needs is a massive problem, since quite some time now. Banks are absolutely unsympathetic to industry’s needs and private lenders are too difficult to deal with. What does a planter do to raise finances?

Since the time costs (including wages) have rapidly begun to escalate and sale prices have remained flat almost everyone in the industry has borrowing up to his chin…it is for this reason that sellers offer a whopping  5% Cash Discount on sale proceeds to buyers so that cash flow can barely be maintained for weekly ration, payments and essentials like coal, HSD etc.  If sale is made on normal 45/60 days credit, realizing payments is a massive problem even in 120 days.

Another planter having a 2 decades experience in this industry said, “Such is the condition of planters that most of the time is spent in arranging finances for the week or the next week. The biggest challenge is of course is the puja bonus. It is treacherous, nightmarish and very stressful. I ask how many of the planter/owners take a well deserved holiday away from daily stress during a year? In all this, the biggest causality is Daily Kamjari and Development activities which one should undertake every year at the gardens.” This is needed because it is the only way one keeps the ever increasing costs in check as far as possible. The planter does not have any control over his sale…..what business is this?

The producers need to be pro-active and say more, make more representations with the government or at private forums, to earn out of the properties we own and have nurtured over decades. Things cannot be left to remain as it is. The Tea Industry is not here to do charity. Enough is enough. It’s probably high time to call spade as a spade.

Also Read: Tea Industry: A Planter’s Perspective- Part IV- ‘Tea Estates – Misplaced Identity’

To be concluded…….6

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