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Quick glance of 30 March in the pages of History

March 30: Here are the major events that occurred on 30 March….

  • 30 March, 1699: Guru Govind Singh established Khalsa Panth. Khalsa refers to both a community that considers Sikhism as its faith, as well as a special group of initiated Sikhs. The Khalsa tradition was initiated in 1699 by the last living Guru of Sikhism, Guru Gobind Singh. Its formation was a key event in the history of Sikhism.
  • 30 March, 1856: Russia signs the Treaty of Paris, ending the Crimean War.
  • 30 March, 1867: Alaska Purchase: US buys Alaska from Russia for $7,200,000 ($109 million in 2018), roughly 2 cents an acre.
  • 30 March, 1908: Devika Rani, legendary actress and first recipient of Dadasaheb Phalke Award, was born.
  • 30 March, 1919: Gandhi announces resistance against Rowlatt Act. The Rowlatt Act was a legislative act passed by the Imperial Legislative Council in London on March 10, 1919, indefinitely extending “emergency measures” enacted during the First World War in order to control public unrest and root out conspiracy in India. The Rowlatt Act came into effect on 21 March 1919. Hartal was observed on 20 March, 1919.
  • 30 March, 1953: Theoretical Physicist  Albert Einstein announces revised unified field theory.
  • 30 March, 1959: Dalai Lama flees China and is granted political asylum in India.
  • 30 March, 1981: US President Ronald Reagan is shot and wounded in an assassination attempt by John Hinckley, three others are also wounded.
  • 30 March, 1992: Satyajit Ray was awarded Oscar Award. Satyajit Ray is one of the world’s finest directors, producers, screenwriters, composers, writers, and graphic designers. He received an Honorary Academy Award in 1992, becoming the first Indian to receive an Honorary Oscars. He received the Award for Lifetime Achievement.
  • 30 March, 2002: Anand Bakshi, a popular Indian poet and lyricist. Anand Bakshi died on this day. He was born in Rawalpindi, now in Pakistan, in 1920. His ancestors were from Kurree, near Rawalpindi, and had origins in Kashmir.

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