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Crowd funding by Dolchhut: ₹22,300 collected for flood victims till 11 PM on 1st day of live show

July 16: Bangla band Dolchhut has planned crowd funding through live show to garner aid for the flood victims. In their endeavour, Dolchhut is being supported by Bengaluru Srihatta Sammelani, All India Srihatta Sammelani, Mumbai Sylheti Forum & Alumni Association of GC College in Delhi. On the 1st day of the live show for crowd funding, Dolchhut performed from the Facebook Page of  Bengaluru Srihatta Sammelani.

Informing about the live show, Sayan Biswas on behalf of Dolchhut said, “We had declared that we shall publicly announce the amount which we will collect through crowd funding. As such, I take the privilege in informing that on the 1st day (16 July), we had collected an amount of Rs.22,300 till 11.30 PM. We are hopeful that more persons will come up with generous contribution to help the flood victims of Silchar.” Click here to watch the deferred live performance of Dolchhut.

The Worst Disaster

“Further, we will also inform all our modus operandi of spending the amount which will be collected. However, the money which will be spent for live programme from Studio shall be borne by Dolchhut. I fervently appeal to all artists, groups and those involved in cultural domain to stand besides us during the charity live shows as envisioned by Dolchhut,” added Sayan Biswas.

On the 2nd and last day of their live show for crowd funding on 17 July, 2022, Dolchhut will perform from 3 Facebook Pages. At 7 PM on 17 July, Team Dolchhut will perform from the page of Alumni Association of GC College in Delhi. At 8 PM, they will perform from the page of Sarbo Bharatiya Sylheti Forum and finally at 8 PM, they will perform from the page of Mumbai Sylheti Forum.

The concept of crowd funding as planned by Dolchhut has also earned wide praise from different quarters. Infact, Dolchhut is striving hard to reach out to those people who have their roots in Barak Valley , but at present are located in other parts of the country. This appeal of Dolchhut has been able to garner huge support and many such Sylheti organisations have come forward with a helping hand.

Also Read: Dolchhut plans crowd funding through live show on Saturday and Sunday for flood victims

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