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Contractual High School Teachers on 4-day strike over job regularisation & release of pending salary
উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়ের ঠিকাভিত্তিক শিক্ষকরা ধর্মঘটে

রাজ্যের অন্যান্য জেলার সঙ্গে কাছাড়েও ধর্মঘটে নেমেছেন উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়ের ঠিকা শিক্ষকরা। জেলার ১০৩টি উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়ে গড়ে ২জন করে ঠিকাভিত্তিক শিক্ষক রয়েছেন। এমনিতেই স্কুলগুলিতে শিক্ষকের অভাব। তার ওপর ঠিকা ভিত্তিক শিক্ষকদের ধর্মঘট চলায় স্কুল চালানোই মুশকিল হয়ে দাঁড়িয়েছে। কিন্তু সরকারি কর্তাদের হেলদোল টের পাওয়া যায় না।
August 2: In demand of regularisation of their jobs and release of their salaries regularly, the All Assam High School Additional (Contractual) Teachers Association on Friday launched a four-day strike. These teachers are yet to receive their salaries for the last five months.
Speaking to way2barak, a contractual teacher at Silchar said, “The state government seems to have utterly failed to provide people with job security.” Another teacher from Katigorah said, “We have launched a four-day strike against the state government’s apathy towards our problems. We strongly demand that Assam government should release our salaries without any further delay and ensure our job security.”
“Inspite of repeated appeals, the state government has not paid any heed to our demands. Without giving us salary since the last 5 months, the government has thrown us on the face of starvation,” said an aggrieved teacher. Meanwhile, the state leadership of High School Additional (Contractual) Teachers Association has said that if their demands are not fulfilled, then they will launch a 15-day class boycott movement very soon.
Around 6000 high school contractual teachers from across the state have joined this four-day strike. Contractual High School Teachers were seen to join this strike in all the districts of Assam. The boycott of classes by these teachers began on 2 August and will continue till 5 August, 2019.