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Allegation & counter-allegation tears apart name & fame of Cachar College

June 13: Since the last few days, allegations and counter-allegations have heated up the atmosphere at Cachar College, Silchar. Within a span of a week, the college has witnessed a plethora of incidents like change of guards of the study centre of K.K.Handiqui Open University (KKHSOU), alleged entry of police for charge hand-over, inquiry by Executive Magistrate, FIR against Principal i/c, former Principal and 4 teachers by the Governing Body President, sit-in demonstration by a section of teachers, emergent Teachers’ Council Meeting and what not. There might be many other turbulence in the offing.

On Tuesday, Dr. Lakhhiton Singha, Principal in-charge of Cachar College cum Secretary of the College Governing Body issued a Press Release wherein she has stated that on the basis of some newspaper reports on 11 June, 2019, she has come to know that the Bijoy Bhushan Das, President of the Governing Body of the college has lodged a FIR against her and some of her teachers. Saying so, she went on to clarify that there exists no decision or recommendation of the Governing Body of the college regarding filing of FIR. Dr. Singha further mentioned that the issue of filing First Information Report is based on the sole decision of Bijoy Bhushan Das. She concluded the press release by stating that if in the future any incident occurs relating to this matter with Bijoy Bhushan Das, then Cachar College Governing Body will not be responsible in any way.

However, on the flip side of the story, it needs mention here that in the 70 plus pages of the FIR lodged by GB President Bijoy Bhushan Das, it was nowhere claimed by him that he has obtained the consent or recommendation of the Governing Body. Rather on the basis of his FIR, police has started the process of investigation as per law.

Meanwhile, a meeting of Teachers’ Council (TC) of the college was convened by the TC President and Secretary on Tuesday. However, sources revealed that, a section of the teachers abstained themselves from attending the TC Meeting on Tuesday. In this regard, they gave a written intimation to the President of Cachar College Teachers’ Council (CTCC). Dr. Lakhhiton Singha, Principal in-charge of Cachar College is also the President of the TC. Copies of the said letter were also marked to the Secretary-CCTC, Secretary of Cachar College Employees Association, the Director of Higher Education, Assam and President, Governing Body of the college.

way2barak had access to the said letter wherein the signatories stated that, “From the media reports in the past few months we have come to know of some disturbing and unpleasant development in our prestigious institution around the Study Centre of K K Handiqui State Open University, Guwahati. Allegation of swindling of public revenue by a section of our esteemed colleagues has not only marred the reputation of Cachar College, it has also lowered the status of our fraternity in the public eye. It certainly does not send out a good message to the society when college teachers and principals, who are regaled with fat salaries at the expense of the poor tax payers of this country, jostle for extra money from part time jobs, and, what is worse, use abusive language in the press to justify those extra bucks.”

It was also mentioned that, “Two very recent incidents, as reported in the press, centring on the Study Centre are not only unprecedented but they pose a great threat to the maintenance of a high standard of professional ethics, decency and morality in this public institution. We are appalled at the knowledge of the incident of 7 June 2019 in which the College authority called a posse of police to execute unilateral assumption of charge by the hurriedly appointed Coordinator of the Study Centre ostensibly to scare away the earlier Coordinator from his office. We are equally shocked to learn that the President, Governing Body had to lodge FIR for economic and other offences allegedly committed by a small section of our beloved colleagues. As it transpires from the series of happenings in this connection, the regulatory bodies have not been able to unearth the truth behind the allegations of economic offence in the Study Centre involving !akhs of rupees, not to speak of fixing the accountability and bringing the offenders to justice.”

As regards the FIR lodged against some of their colleagues, it was mentioned that, “We understand that we ought to be sympathetic towards our loving and respected colleagues against whom complaints have been registered by the police. We hope that they will successfully fight the legal battle and come clean. We register our solidarity with them in their hour of crisis. In the same breadth, however, we feel that law should take its own course. Only a fair investigation and trial by the appropriate agencies can bring out the truth and deliver justice to all concerned. In this vexed and unfolding situation, we do not deem it proper to publicly exhibit show of strength on our part which may transmit a wrong signal that being an influential segment of the society we are trying to put pressure on the law enforcing agencies and not allowing them to work freely. The last thing, the innocent students-who are busy at the exams now- should not be dragged into this controversy where criminal proceedings are underway.”

At the fag end of that letter, the signatories wrote, “We feel that the CCTC should not meddle in the free movement of law. We as teachers should not pose like an interceptor in the legal process. Hence we have made up to abstain from the said meeting. Ipso facto, please allow us to stand aloof from and not be a party to whatever resolution is taken in the Meeting of the CCTC dated 12 June 2019.”

On the condition of anonymity, a retired teacher of the college expressed anguish at the present state of affairs going on in the college. The teacher said, “Such kind of mud slinging has blemished the image of the college. The appropriate higher authority should immediately intervene and institute a thorough investigation so that Cachar College may very soon regain its pristine glory and glamour.”

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