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Santoor maestro Ustad Anwar Hussain Nilu at Vengo Land on 11 July

July 11: The outbreak of coronavirus pandemic followed by nationwide lockdown had captivated people inside their house. It was at that juncture that a musical group Vengo Land was formed by eminent singer Venu Gopal. This is a virtual group in Facebook and its members are ever increasing. Everyday one can see musical performances by both amateur artists and those well established in the industry.

Informing about this, Paromita Paul, an active member of Vengo Land Facebook Page said, “Amidst the pandemic, music has been our quickest relaxation. We hope, you have been enjoying our live sessions lately. For the next session, we are super excited to announce that we have an extremely talented Santoor maestro Ustad Anwar Hussain Nilu, all the way from Mumbai. Be here with us on 11th of July, at sharp 7 pm, IST, for an extravagant musical evening.”

Born in an illustrious musical family in Jaipur, Anwar started his primary training at a very tender age under the guidance of his father Ustad Abdul Rehman (alias Mittan Khan) who was a famous Clarionet as well as Santoor player. Later he received valuable guidance from Ustad Sajjad Khan, a reputed Mandolin player. Afterwards he received lessons from his uncle Munshi Khan and Ustad Yassin Khan. Later on, he continued his training from Ustad Amir Mohammad Khan. Anwar follows the playing style of reputed maestro Pandit Shiv Kumar Sharma, the great santoor player and tries to adopt the form in his performance.

Anwar Hussain is an ‘A’ grade santoor player of All India Radio and Doordarshan. He has extensively travelled to different parts of countries like France, Italy, Switzerland etc. and presented successful concerts as a soloist musician on his beautiful instrument Santoor. His presentation makes the audience spellbound. His mastery over intricate nuances of Ragadari and complex taan patterns combined with difficult layakari makes his presentation memorable. The tonal quality of his instrument is very beautiful. He follows the traditional form of Indian classical music and presents his music in the pure form. His recordings are released in two albums from India and France. Presently he is in the panel of staff artists at All India Radio Mumbai.

So do watch Santoor maestro Ustad Anwar Hussain Nilu on 11 July (Saturday) at 7 PM for an enthralling musical evening at the Facebook Page of Vengo Land.

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