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Beware! From 2020 WhatsApp won’t work on these mobiles. Is yours on the list?
সাবধান! ২০২০ থেকে এইসব মোবাইলে কাজ করবে না হোয়াটসঅ্যাপ, আপনিও কি তালিকায় ?

December 11: WhatsApp has become almost the lifeline for the netizens. It’s difficult for the smarphone users to imagine a day without WhatsApp. But starting February 2020, WhatsApp will stop working for millions of users as the company phases out support for some old mobile platforms. updated on the FAQ section of WhatsApp.

Moreover, the FAQ also emphasised that these older version of Android and iOS operating systems “can no longer create new accounts, nor re-verify existing accounts after February 1, 2020.” This means that the users on Android version 2.3.7 and iOS 8 or older will not be able to use WhatsApp any more after February 2020. Users on Windows Phone OS will lose WhatsApp from the end of this year. Users on these operating systems are already unable to create new accounts or re-verify their accounts.

So, if you have a Windows smartphone, and don’t want to lose all your chats and information on 31 December, 2019 there is an option to save your chats. Open the chat you wish to export, and tap on Group Info. Tap ‘Export Chat’. You’ll then be given the option to download the chat with or without media. Choose your option and export all your chats.

Thus, to sum up the following operating systems will not support WhatsApp from 2020:

  • Android versions 2.3.7 and older
  • iOS 8 and older
  • All Windows OS phones from 31 December, 2019

WhatsApp also listed the operating systems that the app supports and recommends users to use the following updated devices:

  • Android running OS 4.0.3+
  • iPhone running iOS 9+
  • Select phones running KaiOS 2.5.1+, including JioPhone and JioPhone 2

With inputs from

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