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Assam University organises Workshop on Stress Management, ways to lead stress-free life discussed

The workshop on stress management was organsied by the Centre for Studies on Human Development, Assam University, Silchar in association with Patanjali Yog Samiti and Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal, Assam Visvavidyalya Samiti on Tuesday in Bipin Chandra Milanayatan.

Prof. Niranjan Roy, Deputy Director of the Centre and General Secretary of BSM- AVVS delivered the welcome address and introduced the theme. He said that stress is mental and emotional conditions which ultimately affects mind and body. However stress can be managed. There are both Indian and Western methods of managing stress. Indian methods of yoga and meditation is more preferable even in the western world. He said that Centre for Studies in Human development was established in 2009 in Assam University and since then the centre has been working on research and other academic activities relating to human development.

Prof. N B Dey in his deliberation highlighted the issues related to stress and also highlighted the nature of work undertaken by organisations like Patanjali Yogpeeth and Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal. He also appreciated the Centre for Studies in Human Development for organising such a meaningful programme

Prof. Amrit Lal Ghose from MBA department of Assam University was one of the Resource Persons in the workshop. He highlighted the various dimensions of stress of students and also spoke on the remedies for a stress free life. He cited numerous examples to put forth his argument. Apart from normal deliberation, he also interacted with the students.

Prof. Lakshmi Kanta Bhattacharjee of Patajali Yog Samiti of Silchar and former Principal of Jorhat Science College was the key note speaker. He highlighted the causes, meaning and different dimensions of stress. He has nicely analysed the different aspects of our body and mind and its role on stress managent. He has given references from Gita and narrated some verses which are relevant to our body and mind in order to control stress.

Prof. Dilip Chandra Nath, Vice Chancellor of Assam University was the Chief Guest in the programme. In his deliberation, Prof. Nath highlighted the dimensions of stress with changes in time. He has nicely elaborated how the students are subject to stress due to competitions and expectations. He discussed the importance of yoga in management of stress. Prof G Ram in his presidential address appreciated the speakers for highlighting all relevant issues related to stress and its management. He also dealt in stress by endogenous and exogenous methods

In the technical session, Sri Manas Bhattacharjee from Aurobindo Society Silchar demonstrated practical aspects of stress management through meditation. He has mainly highlighted the role of meditation in stress management. A ten minutes practice session on meditation was also conducted by him.

Dr. Monoj Singh offered vote of thanks on behalf of Centre for Studies in Human Development. A large number of students from class IX and X from Vivekananda Kendriya Vidyalaya, Borgalenga and PC Borjalenga High School participated in the programme along with the faculty members, research scholars and students of the university.

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